Znanstveni kolokviji

On the Classification of Holomorphic Vertex Operator Algebras of Central Charge 24

Vrijeme: 4.5.2022
Predavaonica: vir
Predavač: Sven Möller, Universität Hamburg
Naziv: On the Classification of Holomorphic Vertex Operator Algebras of Central Charge 24

The talk is scheduled only in virtual setting, using Zoom platform. The talk will also be live-streamed via YouTube. During the meeting, the questions can be posed via chat or audio for participants in the meeting. Everybody interested is invited to participate in the Zoom meeting, with the limit of 100 participants, or to follow the live-broadcast.

Link to Zoom meeting will be put here few days before the talk:
Meeting ID: 892 5338 0963

Link to YouTube live broadcast will be put here 10 minutes before the talk.

The talk will be in English.

Abstract: Borcherds proved a classical result that there is a bijection
between the deep holes of the Leech lattice and the Niemeier lattices
with non-trivial root system. This allows a geometric classification of
these lattices (by means of certain Dynkin diagrams called hole diagrams).

Using modular forms we recently established an analogous result for the
holomorphic vertex operator algebras (2-dim. conformal field theories)
of central charge 24 with non-trivial weight-1 space. They are in
bijection with the generalised deep holes of the Leech lattice vertex
operator algebra.

In this talk I will present a geometric classification of these vertex
operator algebras based on this result (by means of certain generalised
hole diagrams).

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